Live Music Photo Session

Do you have a band or manage one? Do you ever wonder why you haven't had that "break" yet?

Do you have a band website or Facebook page? Do you ever wonder why you don't get the hits and likes your band deserves?

I can tell you, it's because in this age of the internet, social networking and video sharing it is more important than ever to have an image, great eye candy of your band performing, images that stand apart from others.

Now you may think, "My friend can take photos of the band!". Perhaps, but I guarantee these images will not have the professional look that comes from an experienced pro. Does your "friend" have a complete understanding of light and how to properly capture it? Your images should be clean, colorful and your fans should almost hear the music from your performance when they see them.

Here is an opportunity for you to show your fans and possible music executives that you had the confidence in the talent and future of your band. Your Professional band photos will set you above the rest when it comes to grabbing the attention of those you are aiming to impress.

Your fans, publishers and record labels can tell what is a Professional Photo. Do you know how I know?? Because YOU know! And if you can tell, then they can tell!!

Photoshoot 101 Live Music Portfolio 2014 Musician Price List
Web Design by D. Schibel